Contact Dr. Tajkarimi today for a consultation.
Dr. Tajkarimi is ready to begin the conversations that will transform your life, build your confidence, and bring you the happiness that comes from looking and feeling better about yourself. Fill out our secure request form below to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tajkarimi.
We are the busiest Vasectomy destination in Loudoun county, possibly the Greater Washington DC region.
More than 55 men and their spouses choose Dr Tajkarimi for their family planning every month. Vast majority are referrals from Dr. Taj’s vasectomy patients. That’s about 12-15 vasectomies a week. You can drive in yourself and drive out to your home. No fuss. Dr. Taj’s quick, pain-free & cost-effective technique has had 100% success for more than 16 years from day one. He does more vasectomies per week than some urologists perform in 3 months.
No surgery center fees, No anesthesia fees.
You don’t have to go to sleep or take Percocet and Valium before the procedure. It’s all about finesse, advanced instruments & technique. We do not compromise comfort however. You will hardly feel more than a “pinch”. Most patients watch TV or play with their phones during vasectomy. “We are done” is what they hear a few minutes later. We encourage your wife or girlfriend to be present during the procedure and hold your hand and watch everything.
Why not do vasectomies under IV sedation or at surgery center? Because with proper technique and local anesthesia, vasectomy is a truly “simple office procedure”.
We live in the age of high deductibles. Men getting vasectomies are generally healthy, so they typically are responsible for total cost of vasectomy out of pocket before insurance kicks in. Dr Tajkarimi can save you up to $5000 in insurance fees and deductibles! Some urologists prefer to perform vasectomy with IV sedation which is a completely acceptable alternative.
For self-pay patients we offer consultation, vasectomy, and post vasectomy semen analysis for only $980.
Dr. Taj offers painless, hassle free office vasectomy in our ultra-modern and luxurious Lansdowne clinic. We offer nitrous analgesia if you desire a “twilight” experience.
“You should expect to return to normal activities within 3 days with minimal restrictions”, Dr. Taj says.

Vasectomies are the most effective form of sterilization. A vasectomy is a common surgical procedure whereby the vas deferens – the tubes that carry sperm to the semen – are disconnected to prevent fertility. If performed by experienced surgeons, it is 100% effective after confirmation of no sperm present on semen analysis three months later.
Vasectomies are often performed in the office under local anesthesia, or at surgery center or the hospital under IV sedation or general anesthesia. This is dependent on the comfort level of the urologist or patient’s preference. With new techniques and instruments, office vasectomy offers a very comfortable and cost effective option for patients.
We live in the era of very high deductibles. Men getting vasectomies are generally healthy, so they are responsible for the total costs of their vasectomy if they have not made their deductible. Office vasectomies can save you up to $5000 in hospital fees.
How is this done?
This is the typical 7-minutes vasectomy experience:
Take a nice shower in the morning with antibacterial soap and trim the hair in the middle of the scrotum. Take two tablets of Tylenol two hours before arrival at the urologist office. Once you arrive, you will be placed on a comfortable procedure bed. Bring your headphone or phone to play with, or you can watch TV if available. Your spouse or girlfriend may accompany you and hold your hand.
A numbing cream and warm towel is then placed over your scrotum for a few minutes. A surgeon will then apply cleaning solution and drapes. The vas deferens (which often feels like partially cooked spaghetti) is palpated and brought to the middle under your skin. More anesthesia is applied using a hair-thin 30 gauge needle or a special numbing jet device. This may feel like a mosquito bite or have no pain at all.
The vas is brought out through a small puncture. It is cut, burned and clipped (or tied). The surgeon will perform another vasectomy on the other side using the same puncture. Skin is closed with an absorbable suture or glued. That’s it. You can drive home several minutes later.
The rule of 3: Take it is easy for three days, apply antibiotic ointment for three days, and wear tight underwear for three days. Avoid soaking your scrotum in pools, jacuzzis or the ocean for 10 days.
The risk of infection and bleeding is extremely low if you follow the rule of three.
We recommend using contraception for three months and 30 ejaculations (three times a week) to allow time to clear the sperms that have already traveled past the vasectomy site.
With the proper instruments, surgical experience and proper technique, vasectomies are truly an office procedure.